Thursday, September 1, 2011

5 Day Cleanse - Day 5

Hello!  I was so caught up in the final day of cleansing that I forgot to post how it went.  Day 5 was very difficult for me.  My cravings were the worst ever.  I was hungry - I mean HUNGRY all day.  Hubby came home and was tired from trip and wanted comfort food - you know, the mac in cheese in the blue box.  It was all I could do to stop myself from cramming a giant spoonful into my mouth.  I wanted food and was sick of the shakes.  However, I DID IT.  I made it through the cleanse.  My final thoughts are this:

I dropped 5 pounds
I felt less toxic and more in control of my eating.
I felt refreshed and ready to start my clean eating once again.

Definitely worth it for me!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

5 Day Cleanse - Day 4

Day 4 and it's almost over.  I started the day full of energy and a positive attitude.  I actually did a short bodyweight workout this morning.  I had a good night's sleep last night too.  My weight has dropped 3 pounds in 4 days.  But by the time I got home from work, I was tired, hungry and crabby.  It didn't help that I went grocery shopping either.  The smell of fresh baked bread and fried chicken was driving me crazy.  And I really wanted a glass of wine tonight.  Some friends invited me to join them for happy hour and dinner, and I had to decline.  I just coul not go out and drink water and watch them eat calamari.

One more day to go...stay strong.

Monday, August 29, 2011

5 Day Cleanse - Day 3

Monday, and I made it through the day.  I was soooo tired today.  Tired and thirsty.  I drank at least 100 oz. of water today.  My body felt dry and cripsy...and empty.  I could not wait until my snack (1/2 canteloupe) and second snack (a rice cake with almond butter).  I came home from worked and crashed, just depressed.  But strangely enough, after I awoke I actually had energy.  So much so that I cleaned out three boxes of roach-poop infested stuff that remained unpacked from my move 3 years ago.

Let's hope tomorrow is filled with energy.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

5 Day Cleanse - Day 2

Ha Ha!  Did I really say yesterday that this would be a breeze?  Today was not good.  I awoke on my own volition at 5:30 am, but it was raining and a Sunday, so I went back to sleep for another hour. 

I tried to exercise today but literally my legs collapsed 12 minutes into the workout.  Okay.  Then came the hunger and the headache.  I felt pretty miserable all day with a band of pain around my head, plus now I have gas and I am hungry.  But I am not really "craving" foods.  Generally feel pretty crappy and flu-like, tired and do not want to DO anything.  I have spent the entire weekend reading.  And sleeping.  I took an hour nap today.

And so onto Day 3...

5 Day Nutritive Cleanse - Young Living - Day 1

I have decided to embark on this 5 day cleanse for a variety of reasons.  The number one reason  being that I just felt  "toxic."   Also, I have been eating clean, but drinking too much wine in the evenings and slipping into bad habits. I have now been splitting a bottle of wine with my hubby nearly every night, school nights and weekends included.   I have put on 8 pounds that I cannot remove no matter how hard I exercise, and I know the booze is a BIG culprit.  Those who know me know that I am a personal trainer and I love love love to exercise. I also love to cook, to eat, and as you can see, to drink wine.   My weight has stayed the same for years, so this extra poundage is really bumming me out.

My hubby is out of town for 5 days, and I figured this would be a perfect time for the cleanse.

I started the cleanse on a Saturday.  This first day was no problem.  I had energy, was not hungry and did not experience any digestive "issues" other than having to go to the bathroom a few more times than "normal."  I ate on plan, went to bed at 10 and slept good.  This should be a breeze!